
Friday, July 16, 2010


WP2 partners spatial data, abundance, emphasizing collected each time the size of a certain kind of choice and diversity of ecosystems.

WP2 help you search the database INCO FISH
Search, or "cut down" for a sample set of results from a database INCO WP2 generate FISH
Records are displayed 50 per dataset - scrolling through your use of this Rekodonabigeshonbotan
The search is suitable for any help with the requirements for a database that contains data WP2 theINCOFISH order to define

Now I help you? Daunrodosuteppubaisuteppugaido. (Word / PDF file)

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"Aquatic ecosystems require more emphasis on integration and Fisheries (FISH INCO on the coastal zone) to a specific research group (Streptococcus), the European Union (funded by contract no: 003 739) is. Marine Science at the University of Kiel, Leibniz Co., Germany, three-year project (May 2005, April 2008) of 35 institutions and private firms (managed by the European consortium coordinated in Latin America in 1912 and 1912, Asia 2006, African, World 05) from about 22 countries.

INCO FISH efforts in developing countries the problem arising from the exercise of human society, especially in coastal areas more demand. The development of IT, the evaluation of the information, tools, and set in Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development goals and concepts contributes to 2015 of restoring the ecosystem of healthy fish stocks and, in particular integration. 35 partners, 11 projects of one or more of a work packages, each integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) participated in the focus on specific issues in the field. Click here for more information.

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