Cartoons of Fine Arts
In the visual arts, is a full-sized original cartoon drawing a short time later, the steps are carried out in fresco, oil, mosaic, stained glass, or carpet. Glass and mosaic are cut exactly the models of the cartoons, while the tapestry cartoon added to earning the chain guide. In fresco, the cartoon features a perforated surface and the plaster over the pouncing (dusting with powder through the perforations). Italian Renaissance artists, and a very complete cartoons of such works as Raphael's cartoons for tapestries in the Sistine Chapel (Victoria & Albert Mus). Regarded as masterpieces.
Cartoons in the press
England, in 1843 a series of drawings appeared in Punch magazine, which is decorated with a fresco cartoons submitted by the competition of new houses of Parliament parodied. In this way, cartoon, the local language press, came to mean a single humorous or satirical drawing attention to the work of deformation, often accompanied by the caption or legend. Cartoons, particularly editorial or political cartoons, using the elements of caricature.
Political Cartoons
The political cartoon first appeared in 16th century during the Reformation in Germany for the first time that art was a propaganda weapon in an active social consequences. Although many of these cartoons were a strikingly crude and vulgar, some, such as Holbein German Hercules, were excellent drawings produced by the best artists of the time. In 18th Cartoon-century England was an integral and effective part of journalism through the work of Hogarth, Rowlandson and Gillray, who often used caricature. Daumier, in France, was known for his virulent satirical cartoons.
By mid-19th century. Editorial cartoons have been regular features in American newspapers, and were soon followed by the sport cartoons and humorous cartoons. The impact of political cartoons on public opinion, as was amply demonstrated in the elections of 1871 and 1873, when the power of Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed was broken largely covered by the efforts of Thomas Nast and his cartoons for Harper's Weekly. In 1922, the first Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoons, Rollin Kirby of New York World. Other noted political cartoonists John T. Mccutcheon, CD Batchelor, Jacob Burck, Bill Mauldin, Rube Goldberg, Tom Little, Patrick Oliphant, and Herb Lock (Herbert Block).
Humorous Cartoons
Humorous, political cartoons, popular press and the development of color in 1893, the first color cartoon appeared in the New York World. In 1896, RF Outcault was the Yellow Kid, a large single-panel cartoon with some use of dialogue in balloons, and the remaining 90 humorous cartoons for such artists as TS Sullivant, James Swinnerton, Frederick B. Upper and Edward W. Kemble started regularly in major newspapers and magazines. New Yorker and the Saturday evening Post were among the most notable American magazines to use outstanding single cartoon drawings.
Single cartoons soon developed a narrative newspaper comic strip. However, one panel episodic tradition has survived and is illustrated by the work of humoristic as Charles Addams, Peter Arno, Saul Steinberg, James Thurber, William Steig, Helen Hokinson, Mary Petty, Whitney Darrow, George Price, Edward Koren, Roz Chast, and the Englishmen Rowland Emmett Ronald Searle and the French cartoonists André François and Bil.
See studies by D. Low (1953), O. Lancaster (1964); RE Shikes, shocked by the Eye (1969); Geipel J. (1972); M. Horn, Ed., The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons (1980), A. Wood, Great Cartoonists and their Art (1987).
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